
To develop on enpassreadercli:

# The following commands require pipenv as a dependency

# To lint the project

# To execute the testing

# To create a graph of the package and dependency tree

# To build a package of the project under the directory "dist/"

# To see the package version

# To bump semantic versioning [--major|--minor|--patch]
_CI/scripts/ --major|--minor|--patch

# To upload the project to a pypi repo if user and password are properly provided

# To build the documentation of the project

To use enpassreadercli from the console:

# Environment variables supported for required default arguments are:
# ENPASS_DB_PATH for the database path
# ENPASS_DB_PASSWORD for the database password
# ENPASS_DB_KEY_FILE for the key file if used.
# if any of the above are set the arguments can be omitted from the cli.

enpass-reader --help
usage: enpass-reader [-h] [--log-config LOGGER_CONFIG]
                          [--log-level {debug,info,warning,error,critical}] -d
                          PATH -p PASSWORD [-k KEY_FILE] (-g ENTRY | -e | -s)

A cli to access enpass 6 encrypted databases and read, list and search values.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                        The location of the logging config json file
  --log-level {debug,info,warning,error,critical}, -L {debug,info,warning,error,critical}
                        Provide the log level. Defaults to info.
  -d PATH, --database-path PATH
                        Specify the path to the enpass database. (Can also be
                        specified using "ENPASS_DB_PATH" environment variable)
  -p PASSWORD, --database-password PASSWORD
                        Specify the password to the enpass database. (Can also
                        be specified using "ENPASS_DB_PASSWORD" environment
  -k KEY_FILE, --database-key-file KEY_FILE
                        Specify the path to the enpass database key file if
                        used. (Can also be specified using
                        "ENPASS_DB_KEY_FILE" environment variable)
  -g ENTRY, --get ENTRY
                        The name of the entry to get the password of.
  -e, --enumerate       List all the passwords in the database.
  -s, --search          Interactively search for an entry in the database and
                        return that password.
  -f, --fuzzy-search    Interactively fuzzy search for an entry in the
                        database and return that password.

# Getting one password
enpass-reader -d PATH_TO_DATABASE -p PASSWORD -g some-password-name
> password-value

# Enumerate all passwords
enpass-reader -d PATH_TO_DATABASE -p PASSWORD -e
> password1-name: password1-value
> password2-name: password2-value
> password3-name: password3-value
> password4-name: password4-value

# Search interactively for a password
enpass-reader -d PATH_TO_DATABASE -p PASSWORD -s
> Title : (interactive prompt with wildcard searching and autocompletion
# after choosing a password from the autocompleted list
> password-value-for-search-entry

# Search interactively with fuzzy search for a password
enpass-reader -d PATH_TO_DATABASE -p PASSWORD -f
> Title : (interactive prompt with fuzzy searching and autocompletion
# after choosing a password from the autocompleted list
> password-value-for-search-entry